Medical Topics

gluten free food and meals

Gluten-Free Foods

It's important to note that while these foods areΒ naturally gluten-free, some processed or packaged versions may contain gluten.

Gluten-Free Foods

It's important to note that while these foods areΒ naturally gluten-free, some processed or packaged versions may contain gluten.

who can use the NDIS

Who Is Eligible For NDIS Funding?

To be eligible for theΒ NDIS, a person must have a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to perform daily activities.Β 

Who Is Eligible For NDIS Funding?

To be eligible for theΒ NDIS, a person must have a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to perform daily activities.Β 

NDIS approved meal provider

The NDIS and Seniors

Seniors can choose to manage their own funding, or they can opt to have a plan manager or support coordinator assist them with managing their plan.

The NDIS and Seniors

Seniors can choose to manage their own funding, or they can opt to have a plan manager or support coordinator assist them with managing their plan.

Reversal of type 2 diabetes

Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

It's essential to approach the goal of reversing type 2 diabetes with realistic expectations and a long-term commitment to a healthy lifestyle.Β 

Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

It's essential to approach the goal of reversing type 2 diabetes with realistic expectations and a long-term commitment to a healthy lifestyle.Β 

Continuous glucose monitor for diabetics

Using Your Blood Sugar Monitor For Newly Diagnosed

If you are newly diagnosed with diabetes type 2 you will find a blood glucose monitor very helpful in managing your blood sugar levels in the early days.

Using Your Blood Sugar Monitor For Newly Diagnosed

If you are newly diagnosed with diabetes type 2 you will find a blood glucose monitor very helpful in managing your blood sugar levels in the early days.

How to apply for a blood glucose monitor

Applying For the Subsidised CGM

If you haven't used a CGM before you will need to visit yourΒ endocrinologist or educatorΒ to get help to receive the subsidy.

Applying For the Subsidised CGM

If you haven't used a CGM before you will need to visit yourΒ endocrinologist or educatorΒ to get help to receive the subsidy.